U.S. Army West Loch Ordnance Facilities

U.S. Army West Loch Ordnance Facilities Preferred Alternative

Past, Present and Reasonably Foreseeable Actions Near West Loch Annex
The Commander, Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) proposes the U.S. Army’s construction of new magazines and/or repair/modernization of existing magazines to serve as the U.S. Army’s Ammunition Supply Point (ASP) on the island of Oahu, Hawaii. The Preferred Alternative would construct a new munitions storage complex for the storage of military ordnance at the West Loch Annex, which would be completed under several phases of military construction projects, the first of which is planned to begin in 2022. The 402 Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) would be the intended occupant/tenant of the new facilities on Navy-owned land.
The new magazines as part of the Preferred Alternative would be located at the West Loch Annex in the Ewa District of south‐central Oahu. The new magazines will be built in the western section of the established Explosive Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) (Blast Zone) closer to the West Loch Fairways Neighborhood. The original ESQD is centered on the Navy’s existing annex not on the proposed Army annex. The Navy’s Draft EA states that:
The proposed magazines would be constructed at West Loch Annex in accord with DoD standards, including Antiterrorism Force Protection (ATFP) and physical security features. Residential communities would remain located outside of explosive safety zones (including from the new proposed magazines).
The Draft EA does not include any data or methods of calculation that substantiates that storing military ordnance in the western portion of the original ESQD arcs, approximately 1 mile from the Navy piers and military ordnance storage, meets the same criteria to ensure the public’s health and safety.
Besides publishing a Notice of Availability in the Honolulu Star Advertiser on August 11, 2020 and the Draft EA there has not been any public outreach to provide the public with the details of the project and to answer questions. The comment period for the Draft EA ends on September 8, 2020. Please submit comments to:
Point of Contact: Attn: EV21 Project Mgr. Army West Loch EA
Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Pacific
258 Makalapa, Drive Suite 100
Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI 96860-3134
Navy expanding the West Loch Annex which includes fencing in the entire Explosive Safety Quantity Distance (ESQD) (blast zone). The new area will provide a home for two new photovoltaic power plants.
Final Environmental Assessment – On February 8, 2020 the Navy published a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for the proposed action.
Executive Summary: Magazines for Long Ordnance, West Loch Annex
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action involves the construction of 24 new magazines for current ordnance storage requirements at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Oahu, Hawaii. The Proposed Action would also include secondary development necessary for safe ordnance operations such as magazine access roads/concrete aprons, utility and site drainage improvements, fire hydrants, construction staging area, a bypass road extending from Iroquois Road to North Road, perimeter fence and associated patrol road, entry control point at Iroquois Road, demolition of existing back gate near the corner of Iroquois Road and West Loch Drive, gate at North Road and Iroquois Avenue, as well as closing West Loch Drive and portions of Iroquois Road and North Road to public access due to safety and security considerations. The lead agency is the United States (U.S.) Navy. Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam (JBPHH) is a command of the U.S. Navy that is responsible for endorsement of facilities at JBPHH West Loch Annex.
Purpose of and Need for the Proposed Action
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to provide sufficient storage space for Joint Base Pearl Harbor- Hickam to meet its current storage requirement. The need for the Proposed Action is to meet the mission of Navy Munitions Command to receive, maintain, store and issue ammunition, weapons and technical ordnance material for the Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps and other activities and units as designated by the Chief of Naval Operations. In this regard, the Proposed Action furthers the Navy’s execution of its congressionally mandated roles and responsibilities under 10 U.S.C. section 5062 e.g., ready for prompt and sustained combat as it relates to operations at sea).